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European Youth Association  has successfully implemented the project  "Access to information, public campaign against informality and corruption practices" . we achieve to complete all objectives mentioned in our project.

This project aims to test access to information that small business have and to train and follow up the young entrepreneurs. The actual economical environment is still informal and has a lack of information on law and procedures . Most of the actors of the entrepreneurship environment have a lack of knowledge and know-how on business administration and business vs institution relationships. 

To test the law on the right of information and give recommendations of amendment of the law. 

Also in our schedule will be to educate young entrepreneurs and the large public for legislation taxes in Albania and in the region of Tirana. The aim of this project is to educate entrepreneurs with knowledge on the subject of taxes by removing the corrupt schemes that are proposed as fast solutions but nothing pursuant to the law and the right.

The project also aims in testing the transparency and accountability of the public institutions towards the large public with a special focus on young entrepreneurs. 

Measurable indicators on access to information will be :

A. Quantitative ( No. of Requests per month)

Request for information will be over 20 requests per month from:

1. Organizations

2. Ltd

3. Individuals ( Registered in NBC ) 

B. Qualitative ( Analysis of the requests on indicators )

1. Analyse of the request to the Tax Office and Municipality.

2. Analyse the answers and the timeframe  used from the institution to give the correct answer to the requests.

The request from the above mentioned juridical person will be tracked by our organisation and followed up to the final response of the institution.

Main activities

1.Exercise and testing the right to information in the Tax and Custom administration office of Tirana

2. Informing posters and people in Tirana DRT sector adding service to taxpayer’s service facilities.

3.Compiling a report on the findings of the test

4. Round Tables with young entrepreneurs.

5.Campaing in social Networks

6. Informing posters and people in Tirana DPTTV adding service facilities.

7. Closing meetings with the participants of the action and interest groups.

Link: Data Analysis Report

The project ‘Empowering Youth Entrepreneurship through Capacity-building Activities and Networking’ lasted 9 months (1.9.2016 - 31.5.2017) and it consisted on two mobility activities: a training course that was implemented in Durres, Albania that got together organizations and their representatives with strong interest in entrepreneurship and a second training course implemented in Prizren, Kosovo, in which young leaders with great entrepreneurial ideas were trained to develop their business plans. There were 40 participants in each mobility activity, 4 representatives for each organization from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Latvia, Italy, Kosovo* UN resolution, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. Besides mobility activities the project included activities aiming to strengthen the impact of the project and ensure its visibility.

This project included participation from different youth groups such as: 

a) Youth workers, active in the youth entrepreneurship field who saw a need in improving their competences (TC1);

b) Youth workers, supporting young entrepreneurs in their local community on developing project ideas (TC1);

c) Young leaders with great entrepreneurial ideas aiming on developing a business plan and improving their business skills (TC2);

d) Involved in the youth entrepreneurial community of startup events, accelerators programs and incubators (TC1&2);

e) Strong motivation to strengthen their knowledge on entrepreneurship and Erasmus + Programme possibilities and work on development of new ideas that would lead to new projects, enterprises or activities empowering young people (TC1&2);

f) Interest to take part in non-formal base activities and open to work in multicultural environment (TC1&2).

The partner organizations shared the struggle of youth entrepreneurship problems in their respective communities. Through the implementation of the project, the partner organizations raised their capacities in the field and improve their work in the area by applying the new lessons learned. They also raised awareness about entrepreneurship and efficiently empower young people in becoming entrepreneurs.

Furthermore, work in the entrepreneurship sector has been strongly promoted. Participant organizations, gaining a new insight of the entrepreneurial field and having as common interest working on entrepreneurship development, were motivated to develop other projects in their countries. The participant organizations had the possibility to keep in touch with the experts of the implemented activities even after the project was finished. In this way, the experts advised the participants on their new project ideas. 

Please download our booklet on this link

Në kuadër të promovimit dhe nxitjes së klimës së biznesit në nivel vendor, një funksion ky i ri i qeverisjes vendore, Bashkia Tiranë ka shpallur më datën 7.11.2016 njoftimin për mbështetjen me grante individuale të biznesit social rinor në kuadër të projektit për Fondin e Programit të Nxitjes së Punësimit të miratuar me Vendim te Komisionit të Ndihmës Shtetërore Nr 68 datë 25.10.2016 dhe V.K.B nr 58 datë 30.12.2015 për “Miratimin e Programit Buxhetor Afatmesëm 2016-2018 . Buxheti ne dispozicion te 40 granteve do te jete 20.000.000 leke te reja, ku 50% do të jene grante per biznese sociale dhe 50% per orientimin e te rinjve drejt nje profesioni. 

Ndërhyrja jonë do të përfshijë monitorimin e procesit të grantimit nëpërmjet teknikave te organizates dhe mjeteve ligjore në dispozicion, element kyc i rëndësishëm për transparencën e vendimmarrjes se bashkisë Tiranë, monitorimin e zbatimit të granteve dhe ecurinë e tyre ekonomike dhe sociale si dhe advokim të vazhdueshem në funksion të promovimit dhe përmirësimit të këtij procesi dhe angazhimit të aktorëve publik që ndikojnë në këtë vendimmarrje.

Qëllimi i ketij projekti eshte stimulimi i një procesi transparent, të qëndrueshëm dhe të drejtë gjatë procesit të përzgjedhjes dhe zbatimit të granteve të nxitjes së punësimit nëpërmjet monitorimit dhe rekomandimeve.


1. Monitorimi i procesit të përzgjedhjes dhe te zhvillimit të 40 bizneseve sociale rinore duke përfshirë të gjithe individët fitues.

2. Advokimi nëpërmjet medias, tryezave me anëtarë të bordit rinor dhe këshillit bashkiak dhe publikimi i një raporti në funksion të përmirësimit të transparencës së programit të bashkisë.

The 5th edition of Startup Weekend Tirana, an event that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship in Albania, will be held during Global Entrepreneurship Week, on 20-22 November 2015 and "Smart City" is its topics. Tirana Business Park, the main supporter and partner of this edition, the event opens the doors for the weekend, while Societe Generale Bank is the largest financial supporters for the second consecutive year.

Access Smart City, Smart Phone, aimed at finding solutions to environmental challenges, social, economic and cultural issues facing Tirana, through the use of intelligent technology. The goal of Smart City concept highlights the opportunities that are available to create cities and metropolitan areas through the use of modern technologies, provide access to services and increased quality of life. At the same time, this opens a potential market for specific technology solutions.

  • Leviz Albania
  • University of Tirana
  • EDS Foundation
  • ESN
  • FES
  • Pilot-AL
  • Startup Weekend
  • Unique Junior Enterprise
  • Dajti-n-Fest

Photo Gallery

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Get in touch

European Youth Association - EYA
Rr. Luigj Gurakuqi , P.89, Shk.A, K.9,
Mob: +355 66 23 23 900