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Twice a year, Directorate General for Education and Culture invites Erasmus+ National Agencies staff and directors for a meeting in Brussels. The event lasts for several days (5 days) and is organised with 6 different parallel field-specific sessions:

  • Higher Education
  • Higher Education international
  • School Education
  • Vocational and Training Education
  • Adult Education
  • Youth
  • Transversal sessions
  • Coffee corners
  • Plenary session for directors.

The objective of these meetings is to provide to the National Agencies information on the Erasmus+ programme implementation and management (state of play, results, challenges, future developments) and to give to National Agencies the opportunity to discuss some issues, to share best practices and to network.

The event is not open to the public.

Information and Registration

Information for participants can only be accessed with an EU Login (ECAS) profile, following the steps below:

  1. Be sure to log-in with your EU Login account (ECAS),
  2. Access the link for the Event.

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), in which pupils learn a subject through the medium of a foreign language, gives learners the opportunity to use their new language skills immediately, and in context. The free online services developed by this project allows teachers to create and share a wide range of content, and supports learners to develop their foreign language vocabulary in a natural way.

Because the system is online and open source, any content created becomes a shareable teaching resource. The tool is free, doesn't require any technical knowledge and can even be used on mobile devices - making it accessible to everyone, and allowing learners and teachers to tap into resources wherever they are.

Hundreds of teachers and learners have already benefited from the tool, which will continue to be expanded and developed. As one user put it: "It’s magic!"

General call for proposals for the Erasmus+ Programme in 2017, containing the indicative budget and deadlines.


7,500 young people will come together to exchange ideas how to reduce youth unemployment, build a peaceful planet and combat apathy. Participants will look to set the agenda needed to create a vibrant democracy, prepare young people for tomorrow's workplace and will seek new paths to a sustainable Europe.

The European Commission's department for education and culture is organising 3 sessions during the two days of the event.

  • A session on "Erasmus+: The intercultural experience of your life" will show a variety of opportunities Erasmus+ offers. An inspiring young entrepreneur, a skilful apprentice and an active youth exchange participant, all in the past supported by Erasmus+, will share their experiences and expectations.
  • Young people will have an opportunity to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the European Voluntary Service (with a birthday cake and everything) in a session on "European Voluntary Service: Change your life by changing the lives of others" and will have the opportunity to speed-date with EVS organisations that may be interested in taking them on board of their project.
  • A session organised by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions on "Career: Next generation of researchers"will feature 3 fellows sharing their career paths (setbacks included) and giving their perspective on succeeding in the research area.



  • Leviz Albania
  • University of Tirana
  • EDS Foundation
  • ESN
  • FES
  • Pilot-AL
  • Startup Weekend
  • Unique Junior Enterprise
  • Dajti-n-Fest

Photo Gallery

  • 5.jpg
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  • 7.jpg
  • 1.jpg
  • 2.jpg
  • 3.jpg
  • 6.jpg

Get in touch

European Youth Association - EYA
Rr. Luigj Gurakuqi , P.89, Shk.A, K.9,
Mob: +355 66 23 23 900